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Phentermine Weight Loss Program
$180 A Month

Medication Weight Loss Program
$180 A Month, Includes Office Visit

No Hidden Fees – No Insurance Needed

1. Complete Medical Form


2. Meet with the Provider


3. Receive Medication


The cost of your medication is included in your $180 per month this also includes the medical visit. We do not have auto billing/or memberships and patients are only charged following their scheduled appointment. 

Your provider will help you find the right dose of weight loss Medication to help you in achieving your healthy weight loss goals.

Unlike many medical weight loss clinics we are based out of a medical office that is available to answer questions or connect you with your medical providers for additional resources you might need. We have free consultations and do not charge unless approved for one of our weight loss programs.

Easy as our 3 step process

Oceans Weight Loss we make it easy to get started with our $180 per month, no insurance required, No Auto-Billing, No Hidden Fess, Phentermine Weight Management Program!

Medical Forms

Complete a simple medical history form telling your clinician about your health and prior weight loss attempts.

Telehealth Visit

Speak to your new clinician who can help you lose weight with a Phentermine medication, if medically appropriate.

Receive Medicine

Receive your medication in office same day as your visit.

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